"Top five dead or alive and that's just off one LP Network Graph?"
This clever project applies PageRank to the Top 5 MC debate and visualizes the top MC's according to the MC's themselves:
Author Svilen K succinctly summarizes the motivation:
“What if I apply Page Rank’s principle to solve the Top 5 Rappers debate once and for all? What if I map out every rapper’s Top 5 list and see which are the Top 5 most commonly mentioned rappers?”
Check out the full post to see which MC's come out on top (in the middle?).
Svilen goes further into how the PageRank algorithm actually works and applies some of those concepts to his analysis which make the results even more interesting.
He's also active in the Reddit thread with some additional comments on the article and analysis.
As far as data viz technologies, the network graph uses the Kumu platform. While I'm not familiar with many non open-source JS libraries (or platforms in this case), I love that it is free for students and public projects.
Beyond that post, he's also got another visualization which is a bit more staggering here:
Highest Selling Hip-Hop Artists.
Checkout Svilen's Medium profile for more articles and concepts beyond Hip-Hop, such as this fun concept of emoji based "Vibes" in Spotify.
That article's take on context-based algorithmic DJing in particular (for example, taking into account the time of day, weather, location, friends present, etc) is a favorite of mine.